Dec 26, 2008

Medical Physicists - transforming scientific advances in the research lab to improve the quality of life for patients

Medical physicists are scientists. It is through science that they are able to identify problems and unveil deficiencies. It is also through science that they solve the problems and correct the deficiencies.

From the time when Wilhelm Roentgen and other physicists made the discoveries which led to the development of diagnostic radiology, radiotherapy, brachytheraphy and nuclear medicine, medical physicists have played a pivotal role in the development of new technologies that have revolutionized the way medicine is practiced. In today's health care scene, the medical physicist is essential to the safe and cost effective operation of any creditable medical institutiom.

There will be exciting and difficult challenges in the field of health care during this century. Count on the science of medical physics to help you meet the challenge.

Count on your medical physicist to:

Meet the challenge of cost effective health care by:

  • Dealing with the headaches and costs of regulations
  • Reducing expense in equipment purchase and maintenance
  • Preventing costly lawsuits

Perform radiation procedures:

  • Preventing patient overexposure
  • Limiting employee exposure
  • Bringing the latests advances in technology into your department to be used in your most complex cases

Ensure excellence by:

  • Maximizing effectiveness of new equipment
  • Balancing faster and more detailed imaging for optimal image quality
  • Continuous Quality Improvement

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